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    • https://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/English/Research/Pages/default.aspx, A researcherhttps://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/Arabic/Research/Pages/default.aspx, باحث
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      الدراسات العليا

قلب الثقافة النابض: الأدب والترجمة واللغويات اتجاهات حالية ورؤى مستقبلية 2019

Skip Navigation LinksEffat University > جامعة عفت > المؤتمرات > الترجمة في الزمان والمكان 2020 > قلب الثقافة النابض: الأدب والترجمة واللغويات اتجاهات حالية ورؤى مستقبلية 2019

Aim of the Conference

The general aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to explore new trends in literature, translation studies and linguistics. Scholars in the fields of literature, translation and language are invited to explore cutting-edge research in their respective fields.

Keynote Speaker

Mustafa Taibi​

is an Associate Professor in Interpreting and Translation at Western Sydney University, the leader of the International Community Translation Research Group, and the Editor-in-Chief of Translation & Interpreting: The International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research. From 2011 to 2015 he was Director of Academic Program, Languages, Interpreting and Translation at Western Sydney University. His research interest is mainly in community interpreting and translation. His publications include an invited book chapter on Public Service Translation, published in The Oxford Handbook of Translation Studies; Tarjamat Al-Khadamat Al-Ammah, a book in Arabic about Community Translation and Interpreting (2011, Rabat: Dar-A​ssalam),  Community Translation (Bloomsbury, 2016, co-authored with Uldis Ozolins), New Insights into Arabic Translation and Interpreting (2016, Multilingual Matters), Translating for the Community (2018, Multilingual Matters) and  Multicultural Health Translation, Interpreting and Communication (Routledge, 2019, co-edited with Meng Ji and Ineke Crezee).

Conference topics include, but are not limited to, the following list:

  • Bi-lingual literature
  • Literature & hybridity
  • Graphic literature
  • Ethnic Literature
  • Diasporic  Literature
  • Beyond postmodern Literature
  • Counter-hegemonic discourse
  • Intertextuality
  • Eco-criticism
  • Cross-cultural stereotyping/intolerance
  • Literary Retranslations
  • Cultural identity and translation
  • Transculturalism and translation
  • Literary Machine translation
  • Professional translation
  • Community translation
  • Translation and localization
  • Translation as a form of cultural selection
  • Translation & relevance
  • Language/cultural issues in translation
  • Adaptation in translation
  • The translator as writer, mediator, and communicator
  • Pseudo-translation
  • Translation in the digital age and the future of translation
  • Community & conference interpreting
  • Ethics of interpreting & translation
  • Pragmatic translation
  • Audiovisual subtitling & dubbing
  • Interpreting for the audio-visually impaired
  • Loss, gain, and compensation in translation
  • Translators, publishers, and the translation market
  • Translation projects in the Arab world
  • Translation as process, product, and practice
  • Theoretical/practical approaches to translation
  • Specialized/non-specialized translation
  • Models and strategies of translation
  • Discourse and genre studies
  • Inter-cultural linguistics studies
  • Corpus analyses of related languages
  • Comparative linguistics studies
  • Cyber linguistics, literature and translation
  • Semiotic and multimodality research
  • New approaches to teaching and learning literature, translation and language​
