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3rd Islamic Finance Conference 2017: Islamic Entrepreneurial Finance

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Pr Muhammad Yunus

Pr Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Prize Winner, is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur, banker, economist, and civil society leader who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for founding the Grameen Bank and pioneering the concepts of microcredit and microfinance. In 2006, Yunus and the Grameen Bank were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "for their efforts through microcredit to create economic and social development from below".

H.E. Dr. Bandar M. H. Hajjar

H.E. Dr. Bandar M. H. Hajjar, President, Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group, Dr. Hajjar received a Bachelor's degree with First Class Honours in Economics and Political Science from King Saud University, Riyadh, and a Master's degree in Economics from Indiana University, USA. In 1982, he returned to Saudi Arabia, where he worked as a lecturer for four years. In 1986, he attended Loughborough University in the United Kingdom on a scholarship, where he received a Ph.D. in Economics. His thesis, Financing Small Enterprises in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, argued that Islamic financing is appropriate for small enterprises, which often lack collateral, administrative, and marketing expertise.

HE Mohammed bin Abdullah AlJadaan

HE Mohammed bin Abdullah AlJadaan, Chairman, Capital Market Authority, The Minister of Finance 30/1/1438 H - 1/11/2016. Chairman of the Capital Market Authority (rank of minister) 09/04/1436 H - 30/01/2015. Co-Founder and Managing partner of Al-Jadaan & Partners Law Firm, in association with the Clifford Chance,  1996   -2015. Deputy Head of Family and Community Medicine Department  (and other administrative positions) Riyadh - Military    Hospital , 1984 - 1994.

Mr. Mohammed bin Abdullah Elkuwaiz

Mr. Mohammed bin Abdullah Elkuwaiz, Vice Chairman, Capital Market Authority, Co-Founder of Derayah Financial Corp., and has been its Managing Director since 2006. Mr. El-Kuwaiz has over a decade of experience in financial services, strategy, investments, corporate governance and compliance. He served as a Consultant of McKinsey & Company. While at McKinsey, he worked extensively with a number of leading financial services clients, including Greenfield, developing and mature companies, on formulating strategy.

Mrs Sarah Suhaimi

Mrs Sarah Suhaimi, CEO, National Commercial Bank (NCB) Capital.

Conference Papers

The Impact of Islamic Governance Mechanisms on Corporate Governance Compliance and Disclosure​
Dr. Muhammad Yar Khan, Assistant Professor COMSATS Institute of IT, Wah Pakistan
Dr. Tahira Awan, Assistant Professor International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan
Naima Saleem, Lecturer, COMSATS Institue of IT, Wah Pakistan
Anam Javeed, PhD Scholar, Universiti Utara Malaysia

Tapping the Potential of Zakat and Other Forms of Islamic Finance to Achieve the SDGs in Ind​onesia​
Francine Pickup, Irfan Syauqi Beik, Mohamad Ikhsan Modjo, Greget Kalla Buana​

Shari`ah And Legal Dimensions Of Post Default Sukuk Restructuring: A Critical Analysis

Dr. Abu Umar Faruq Ahmad, Associate Professor of Islamic Law of Transaction/Jurisprudence, School of Business and Economics, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei & Chairman, Shari`ah Supervisory Board of Islamic Cooperative Finance Australia Ltd., Sydney, Australia

Islamic Entrepreneurial Financing and its risk factors
Mohd Ma’Sum Billah, PhD Professor of Finance & Insurance Islamic Economics Institute King Abdul Aziz University​

Entrepreneurial Enterprise in Saudi Arabia Analyzing its Legal Phenomena and Possible Recommendations
Dr. Faisal M. Atbani, PhD, Assistant Professor of law, King Abdulaziz University

Determination of Islamic Banking Adoption in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis
Dr. Syeda Faiza Urooj, Assistant Professor, Commerce Department, Federal Urdu University, Islamabad, Pakistan ​

Determinants of capital structure of Islamic and conventional commercial banks: Evidence from Pakistan
Zoya Khan, PhD Scholar, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Dr. Muhammad Yar Khan, Assisant Professor, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Wah Campus, Pakistan.
Ehsan Karim, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Wah Campus, Pakistan.​

Comparative Efficiency Analysis of Conventional and Islamic Insurance Companies in MENA Region​
Rasha M Obaid, Masters in Islamic Finance Student, Effat University​
Dr. Rozina Shaheen,  Assistant Professor, College of Business,  Effat University.
